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Key concepts from the book to improve focus

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About the book Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

‘Hyperfocus’ by Chris Bailey is a New York Times bestseller on productivity. The book  delves into the world of attention management in an age of constant distraction. Author Chris Bailey presents a compelling case for the ability to concentrate deeply as a skill that can be cultivated and improved.

Key concept from the book

Chris aims to provide readers with a holistic and actionable framework for managing their attention, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life, productivity, and well-being in a world filled with distractions.

These are some of the concepts from the book:

  1. Understanding Attention: The book aims to help readers understand the concept of attention, including the difference between “hyperfocus” (intense concentration) and “scatterfocus” (allowing the mind to wander). It explores how both modes of attention can be harnessed for improved productivity and creativity.
  2. Attention Management Strategies: “Hyperfocus” provides practical strategies and techniques to manage attention effectively. It offers insights into how to reduce distractions, set priorities, and create an environment conducive to deep work.
  3. Enhancing Productivity: A key goal of the book is to assist readers in enhancing their productivity and achieving better results in less time. By learning to manage attention more efficiently, readers can make the most of their cognitive abilities and accomplish their goals.
  4. Balancing Attention: Chris Bailey discusses the importance of balance in attention management. The book emphasizes that while hyperfocus is essential for productivity, it should be balanced with periods of scatterfocus, where the mind can wander freely, fostering creativity and insight.
About the author

Chris Bailey is an author, speaker, and productivity expert. He is known for his experiments and research on productivity and time management. Chris is the creator of the blog ‘A Life of Productivity’ and the author of several best-selling books. In ‘Hyperfocus,’ he draws on his personal experiences and extensive research to offer readers practical advice on how to manage their attention effectively. Chris Bailey’s work is well-regarded in the field of productivity and self-improvement.

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Michiel Postma

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Meet Michiel Postma, a trainer and avid non-fiction book reader living near Amsterdam. With a focus on research in vitality and productivity, he is your trusted guide to personal development.

Michiel’s training sessions are based on deep research, offering practical, evidence-based insights. He’s excited to share ideas from ‘Hyperfocus’ by Chris Bailey in his upcoming webinar, helping you manage attention, enhance productivity, and lead a more focused life.

Join professionals in finance and discover how to thrive in a high demanding working environment. Michiel will show you how to spark improved focus by making just small changes to your habits.

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